Details example

With ga4 tracking

GA4 tracking is mostly handled internally by the component, apart from the required attribute index_section_count. This records the number of details components on the page and must be passed by the hosting application. Other GA4 attributes can also be passed if required, including to override attributes set by the component (for some reason this doesn’t work in the component guide but works in applications).

The tracking automatically includes index_section as the index of the component on the page compared with other instances of the component that are also being tracked, e.g. the first details component on a page will be index_section 1, the second index_section 2, etc.

Link tracking for the contents of the details component is not included due to varying tracking requirements. If you need to track links in the component, wrap it in the application with the GA4 link tracker.

How it looks (preview)

What did the ground say to the train?
Between you and me, I've been tracked.

How to call this example

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/details", {
  title: "What did the ground say to the train?",
  ga4_attributes: {
    index_section_count: 6,
    type: "not the default"
} do %>
  Between you and me, I've been tracked.
<% end %>