
How do you want to sign in?

With small radios

How do you want to sign in?

With bold labels

How do you want to sign in?

You'll have a user ID if you've signed up to do things like sign up Self Assessment tax return online.
You'll have an account if you've already proved your identity with a certified company, such as the Post Office.

With custom bottom margin

How do you want to sign in?

With hint on form group

How do you want to sign in?

You’ll need to prove your identity using one of the following methods

With legend

What's it to do with?

With custom heading size

What is your favourite colour?

With custom heading level

What is your favourite colour?

With page heading and caption

Question 3 of 9

Is it snowing?

With page heading and hint

Is it snowing?

Sleet or hail doesn’t count.

With visually hidden heading

What is your favourite colour?

With description

What is your favourite colour?

Skittles consist of hard sugar shells imprinted with the letter "S". The interior consists mainly of sugar, corn syrup, and hydrogenated palm kernel oil along with fruit juice, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors.

With description and hint

What is your favourite colour?

Skittles consist of hard sugar shells imprinted with the letter "S". The interior consists mainly of sugar, corn syrup, and hydrogenated palm kernel oil along with fruit juice, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors.
Choose the colour

With description and page heading

What is your favourite colour?

Skittles consist of hard sugar shells imprinted with the letter "S". The interior consists mainly of sugar, corn syrup, and hydrogenated palm kernel oil along with fruit juice, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors.
Choose the colour

With hint text on radios

How do you want to sign in?

You'll have a user ID if you've signed up to do things like sign up Self Assessment tax return online.
You'll have an account if you've already proved your identity with a certified company, such as the Post Office.

With checked option

How do you want to sign in?

With data attributes

How do you want to sign in?

With custom id prefix

How do you want to sign in?

With or divider

How do you want to sign in?



How do you want to sign in?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sapien justo, lobortis elementum tortor in, luctus interdum turpis. Nam sit amet nulla nec arcu condimentum dapibus quis varius metus. Suspendisse cursus tristique diam et vestibulum. Proin nec lacinia tortor. Morbi at nisi id lorem aliquam ullamcorper. Pellentesque laoreet sit amet leo sodales ultricies. Suspendisse maximus efficitur odio in tristique.
Cras mi neque, porttitor mattis ultricies id, fringilla non ipsum. Etiam non elit ac magna tincidunt ultrices. Morbi eu quam sed justo scelerisque efficitur sed ut risus. Integer commodo, lectus et venenatis maximus, augue erat egestas nulla, eget fermentum augue lacus tempor nulla. Aenean ultricies suscipit erat, vitae hendrerit neque varius nec. Etiam ac euismod massa. Ut at erat id sapien mollis posuere.
Nullam congue neque et tempor tincidunt. In ornare lacus ac arcu maximus ultricies. Quisque et ultrices nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc imperdiet ornare leo ut ultrices. Praesent in quam in tellus dictum lacinia vitae vitae lacus. Nulla hendrerit feugiat urna eu gravida. Nam a molestie nisi, at semper neque. Quisque tincidunt venenatis bibendum. Morbi volutpat magna euismod ipsum consequat cursus. Etiam bibendum interdum ultricies.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sapien justo, lobortis elementum tortor in, luctus interdum turpis. Nam sit amet nulla nec arcu condimentum dapibus quis varius metus. Suspendisse cursus tristique diam et vestibulum. Proin nec lacinia tortor. Morbi at nisi id lorem aliquam ullamcorper. Pellentesque laoreet sit amet leo sodales ultricies. Suspendisse maximus efficitur odio in tristique.

With error on form group

How do you want to sign in?

Error: Please select one option

With error and hint on form group

How do you want to sign in?

Choose the option that suits

Error: Please select one option

With error items on form group

How do you want to sign in?

Error: Descriptive link to the question with an error 1
Descriptive link to the question with an error 2


How do you want to sign in?

You’ll need to prove your identity using Government Gateway
You’ll need to prove your identity using GOV.UK Verify

Conditional checked

How do you want to sign in?

You’ll need to prove your identity using Government Gateway
You’ll need to prove your identity using GOV.UK Verify


How do you want to sign in?


Have you changed your name?

With custom id attribute

How do you want to sign in?